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Returning for a 6th Screening by
Popular Demand!
Welcome to Our European Relatives
March 12th
10:00 AM PDT | 12:00 CDT 1:00 PM EDT
6:00 PM CET | 8:00 PM EAT
We are proud to partner on this event with

Dale joined us in this online event and discuss the science, mythology, and our story that led to this important film. We will watch the film together, followed by dynamic discussion.
More About Dale and In Our Right Minds HERE

In Our Right Minds is a sweeping journey in a short film and book, judiciously illuminating the history and relevance of the goddess archetype, its impact on societies where this archetype is active, as well as its connection to our right-brain way of both attending to - and shaping - the world. In Our Right Minds garners praise for being “well-researched, organized, clear, level, balanced, without blame, and inclusive of all the human family.”
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