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Sande Hart

A Woman Who Futures stretches the edges of the meaning of leadership beyond recognition to the degree that requires a new identity, and therefore a new title. Her existence in our narrative invites a new paradigm and also applies to every woman, regardless of her role in an organization, business, her family, or relationships.

She knows it is time to drop the confines of the old structures of systems that do not serve humanity and reimagine how we move forward together, utilizing the very gifts our bodies and minds are entrusted with.

Her impact is time tested and proven, dating back thousands of years, with glimpses breaking through today in different hues. There are nuances and styles that are unfamiliar because they are appearing as brand-new. They could not have existed before because we were not ready for them until now. The timeless qualities that have never wavered in our natural world and that we embody, remain intact. A Woman Who Futures embodies the original archetypal blueprint of who we are. ​​ She is ancient and new at the same time.

She responds to the familiar evolutionary impulse and draws on the same wellspring of wisdom as our ancestor grandmothers since the beginning of time. Her seed is passed from generation to generation, carrying within it an intelligence of universal womb-wisdom. Characteristics of compassion, nurturing, healing, creativity, collaboration, architect, synthesizer, and intuition are stranded through every seed’s DNA. She shares a frequency with the cosmos and a heartbeat with planet Earth.  That seed of divinity is tucked in the womb of every woman who futures. She accepts her sacred task to midwife the future into being. She knows our past and accept that our future requires our full integrity with reverence. She roots back to the nature of she is and honors her relationship and relevance to the world. Within the ecosystem that thrives on all the organic, smaller touchpoints that are of the seed, is the divine feminine, the lunar and solar feminine. It is her responsibility and her birthright. While her methods can be firm and determined, they are without rank and vigor because she knows that violence is not the balance of justice. 

A Woman Who Futures is an archetypal identity, coming into inner-focus due to the outer realities of our world. She is being summoned by the tensions of the world, like a mother waking up to comfort and heal her suffering children. She must remember who she is to muster the strength, or simply listen to her inner guidance. She picks up her staff and pulls back her shoulders.

North American Indigenous prophecy declares that the staff has been passed to the feminine in this current shift of the ages. We hold our staff in our grip with authority, pressed firmly into the flesh of the feminine to anchor ourselves. As if plugging into Her energy source that She is, the staff is the conduit to provide us with the nourishment necessary to remember our authentic power.

The old, tired structures of hierarchy and power-over are replaced with actualized hierarchy and power-to with a feather’s touch. As is the example of feminine leadership, rather than the social stratification of power structures with choices made for the rest of us at the bottom by the few at the top, problems are solved in consultation and by consensus when possible. A Woman Who Futures operates in a manner of co-creation, in a circular manner, losing the vertical ladder, and looking across to listen to one another, never look down upon anyone.

Women Who Future today understand we have been working on addressing issues within the complex systems that were not designed for us in the first place. Therefore, it is natural that our limits of change are bound to the assumptions of those structures. It’s time to question those asumptions and circumvent the old system’s scaffolding and get wildly creative and open. Women who future reimagine and change our language and our story for herself, and therefore the world. She is writing the Future ourstory.

Women Who Future recognize the suffering of the world,

and loves it back into totality. Dale Allen

It is her nature to recognize her own wounded parts, her role in the systems that have disportionately impacted women and girls, and knows that victimization, blame, and shame must remain in the past if we are to improve conditions in the future for humanity. She is not interested in hierarchy, only actualized and normalized partnership.

We are midwifing the emerging consciousness of an ethos that is turning and we are in service to the unknown place that is calling all of us with integrity.

It's time for Women Who Future.



Women Who Future TM 

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