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"I need to keep telling myself these are the death throes of patriarchy. The thrashing tail of the dying dinosaur, thrashing violently about in resistance to what is already here - which is a new paradigm. It is a new understanding of our interconnectedness and our oneness and our connection to the Earth and what we owe the Earth and what the Earth has sacrificed for us. That is the work of the Divine Feminine."


In June 2020 we started the conversation to address what is described by the "The Death Throes of Patriarchy"

as inspired by this statement by Kathe Schaaf that was published in the 10th Anniversary Edition of What Happens When Women Wake Up by Patricia Fero.


This series addresses relevant topics including racial parity and justice, the direct impact of patriarchy on women and girls, men and boys, and all living things.

Multicultural Vision of The Future


This call in our Death Throes of Patriarchy series brings together a diverse group of women in both culture and age to hear how patriarchy impacts them and their vision for the future. From an indigenous medicine woman, a women's empowerment and spiritual leader, a farmworker (who came with a translator) and young woman President of a UN NGO you will hear a vast cross section of the impacts and patriarchy and how we move towards a balanced world.

Previous calls

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Tahil Sharma is an interfaith activist based in Los Angeles who was born to a Hindu father and a Sikh mother. Following the Oak Creek, WI shooting of a Sikh temple in 2012, Tahil became involved in efforts for interfaith literacy and social justice and has been doing this work professionally for the past seven years. Tahil serves as one of three Interfaith Ministers in Residence for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and as the Los Angeles Coordinator for Sadhana: A Coalition of Progressive Hindus. Tahil also serves various organizations in different capacities to educate, engage, and serve various communities that promote interfaith cooperation and ethical pluralism and social and productive norms in society including the Interfaith Youth Core, the Parliament of the World’s Religions, The Guibord Center, and The Interreligious Council of Southern California. Tahil previously worked as the Faith Outreach Manager for Brave New Films, a social justice documentary organization based in Los Angeles that empowers communities and teaches civic participation through new media, facilitation, and strategies for action. He is also a contributing author to books including Co-Human Harmony: Using Our Shared Humanity To Bridge Divides, Hindu Approaches to Spiritual Care: Chaplaincy in Theory and Practice, and Acting on Faith: Stories of Courage, Activism, and Hope Across Religions.

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Sarah Oliver is the Global Youth Coordinator of the United Religions Initiative, working to connect, inspire and support young people as interfaith activists and peacebuilders around the world. Based in Cape Town, South Africa, Sarah has worked in the interfaith sector for the last 10 years, running youth camps, workshops and skills-trainings, both locally and globally. Within these programs, Sarah strives to create spaces of trust, dialogue, and learning across religious and cultural divides. She joined URI in 2016, where in her role with the Southern African region, Sarah supported the development of the Girls Not Brides Campaign in Malawi. This has been a project of URI Cooperation Circles in Malawi, striving to end early child marriage and support girls with their education. In Cape Town, she is also the Programme Coordinator of an interfaith schools programme, as well as a Board member of the Cape Town Interfaith Initiative (CTII). Sarah holds an Honours Degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Cape Town.

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Edith Lewis, Dr. PH is Emerita Professor of Social Work and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan. Her primary research interests include methods used by women of color to off set personal, familial, community, and professional role strain. This has included involvement in studies identifying strengths within African-American women's communities; the intersections of gender and ethnicity in the lives of women of color; outcomes of an intervention project for pregnant, substance-dependent women; multicultural organizational development, isolating the successful methods used by Ghanaian women in community development projects; and the development of the Network Utilization Project intervention to systematically address individual, family, and community concerns. She has taught in the areas of ethnoconsciousness, community and social systems methods, global and feminist 
practice, and family and group theories and practice. Other areas of interest: teaching innovations, particularly those that help prepare social work students for practice within diverse national and global communities.
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Brecia Kralovic-Logan is an artist, author, and advocate for creativity and women. She is a creative life coach and the author of “The Spiral of Creativity- Mastering the Art of a Spirited Life.” She founded the International Women’s Festival Northwest to honor women’s accomplishments and highlight issues facing women globally; and the Pebble Rebel Award which honors women making a positive difference in their communities. Kralovic-Logan serves as the Southern California representative for the Global Art Project for Peace.  She is the founder of the Women’s Woven Voices project, an international art collaboration that empowers women through writing, weaving and sharing their stories.

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Patricia Fero is a co-facilitator of the Death Throes of Patriarchy series. On this call, Patricia will both contribute to this conversation and present questions and thought provoking ideas for conversation.  Her full bio is below.

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Rev. Maymette Ellis Dolberry is an 

Ordained Elder and Servant leader at Brown Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Ypsilanti, MI since 1999. Licensed professional Counselor in the state of Michigan and trained mediator. Owner of “Courage to Change Ministries,” a five-fold ministry of preaching, counseling, teaching, workshops and mediation.  Co-founder/organizer of an interfaith, interracial and intergenerational, small group ministry, “Listen, Learn, Love” which emphasizes  one-anothering, to bridge and heal the racial divide in our communities. Is a long time social and political activist. Poet, author and playwright. Loves reading and Zumba. Has a dancer’s heart in an unwilling body.


Foundational Theology, My springboard: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31). 


Men and Women
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Divine Feminine Leadership
Divine Feminine In Form
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